Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Uhh...Welcome....or something

So I had a couple suggestions that I start one of these. So here I am and apparently here you are as well. I have no preconceived notions of what this will be, just random things going around in my head. My main goal, however, is that when you're bored at work, you come here. You'll probably still be bored when you get done but hey it beats watching the clock or actually working. God forbid you do that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

geez, if there's one thing that's really lame, it's people that feel they need to introduce themselves on the internet. here's a little tip: nobody cares who you are or what your opinions are! over here, you're just another number. better get used to it.

now that i've got that out of the way, i'm telling you now that you've got a really fitting name for this blog. you'd have to me be tremendously bored to have to come over here and read your opinions. take me, for instance. i've been to god only knows how many websites already today and i'm still bored off my ass. i was so bored i googled "bored at work" and found this blog. you want to know how many pages of search results i went through before i found this? i'll give you a hint, it was so many that the search engine changed its name from "google" to "infinite". damn i'm bored

9:18 AM  

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