Duke Basketball
This isn't a piece on whether Gerald Henderson's elbow was intentional or not. For anyone to suggest it was flagrant or accidental is kidding himself, it was way too close to tell. What this is, though, is a piece on Duke basketball on the whole.
It seems everyone hates Duke for one reason or another. But first off, let me clarify one thing, Duke is not my team. But I do respect Duke. And unless you are a fan of North Carolina I don't see why you wouldn't also.
They play good, fundamental basketball and for the most part their players play all four years. They have very stringent academic requirements that severely limit their available recruiting pool. Yet despite all of this, Duke continues to win.
But despite all their good points people still hate them. Nevermind that these same people lament the fact that today's athlete is all about himself. Or doesn't play hard like athletes used to. Instead, critics say Duke wins too much. Well, that is the name of the game, right? What if your team won that much? You'd be ecstatic. Others will say they're too white or their crowd is spoiled yuppies. Well go to any "smart" school. Their students are identical to Duke's student body. Most likely white, affluent families and preppy. At least they know how to wear the pants right.
But consider this. Take everything that you might consider "wrong" with today's players and you'll notice Duke's players are the opposite. Allen Iverson not practicing? Duke's guys practice consistently and go to class. Pacman Jones? You won't see Duke players carrying guns or dealing drugs. You also won't see them destroying team chemistry, whining about playing time, or anything else you hate.
Yet it seems an overwhelming number of fans still hate Duke. And like I said, unless you root for North Carolina you have no reason to do so. But if UNC isn't your team you need to ask yourself. Why hate a team that does it the right way? Because if you want, Duke can recruit the turds you probably have at your school right now. So please, open your eyes and appreciate Duke for what it is. A remarkable team that wins the right why.
It seems everyone hates Duke for one reason or another. But first off, let me clarify one thing, Duke is not my team. But I do respect Duke. And unless you are a fan of North Carolina I don't see why you wouldn't also.
They play good, fundamental basketball and for the most part their players play all four years. They have very stringent academic requirements that severely limit their available recruiting pool. Yet despite all of this, Duke continues to win.
But despite all their good points people still hate them. Nevermind that these same people lament the fact that today's athlete is all about himself. Or doesn't play hard like athletes used to. Instead, critics say Duke wins too much. Well, that is the name of the game, right? What if your team won that much? You'd be ecstatic. Others will say they're too white or their crowd is spoiled yuppies. Well go to any "smart" school. Their students are identical to Duke's student body. Most likely white, affluent families and preppy. At least they know how to wear the pants right.
But consider this. Take everything that you might consider "wrong" with today's players and you'll notice Duke's players are the opposite. Allen Iverson not practicing? Duke's guys practice consistently and go to class. Pacman Jones? You won't see Duke players carrying guns or dealing drugs. You also won't see them destroying team chemistry, whining about playing time, or anything else you hate.
Yet it seems an overwhelming number of fans still hate Duke. And like I said, unless you root for North Carolina you have no reason to do so. But if UNC isn't your team you need to ask yourself. Why hate a team that does it the right way? Because if you want, Duke can recruit the turds you probably have at your school right now. So please, open your eyes and appreciate Duke for what it is. A remarkable team that wins the right why.
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