Thursday, September 06, 2007

1560 The Best In The Game

It's been a couple weeks now and I've got to say 1560 The Game is the best sports talk station on the air. Despite the poor reception near my home off 610, it's a must listen all day long.

John Granato in the morning is pretty much what anyone would expect. One good thing is he books a lot of guests to keep the conversations flowing. The Richard Justice show from 10-12 is probably the most informative show on the Houston airwaves. He shares more insider information than any other host. When he is by himself his transitions are a bit shaky but his interviews are fantastic. He asks the tough questions that few others ask, other than Jim Rome.

Next up is 1560's curveball and I must say it's my new favorite show. Ken Hoffman, the Chron's do it all entertainment columnist, is wonderful in this extended role. I've read his articles for years now and his insight and storytelling are a joy to listen to. To top it off, he's unafraid to ask any question to any guest, be it sexual or just plain extremely personal. His candor is a huge relief and one reason he's the best writer in Houston. Definitely a must listen.

Sean the Cablanasian and College Football expert John Harris bring the station home in the afternoon drivetime slot. This show is probably the weakest of them all but it seems as if it's both hosts first shot on the air. Give them a few months and I'm sure things will flow much better. Harris is still the best for college football knowledge and is no slouch on pro football either. I've got my fingers crossed that Seanie can be as good as he is on the Jim Rome show. This is really the only slot you may want to turn the dial.

All in all, 1560 is already the best station on the air. And I haven't mentioned that they have less commercials than any other station too. If Lance Zierlein joins Granato in the morning when his contract is up come November, it will only be that much better. Look for them to take a huge chunk of the 610 listenership anytime now.


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